The politics of the Caravan is drawn, shaped and based on the life experiences and daily realities of our numerous members and colleagues, brothers and sisters both here in Germany and in the countries. of origin. For centuries Abya Yala, Africa and Asia have been targeted by the dominant colonial and imperialist powers as areas to be conquered, "civilised", oppressed and exploited. The relationships between these powers and the our countries of origin have always been defined by this imperialist motive. From the beginning, through colonial period till date, it has left our countries devastated
with incalculable human misery.
Am 19. März, des Jahrestages des völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffs auf Irak und gleichzeitig des völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffs auf Libyen gedenken wir den Opfern der Kriege, des Kolonialismus & klagen die Verbrecher an.