(Amtsgericht Ellwangen-Schöner Graben 25, 73479 Ellwangen [Jagst] on
08.August 2018 @ 9am
Activist and friends should please encourage refugees participation as part of effort to empower their understanding of aggression institutionalised in Germany.
The accused (N.K) roommate (M.B) was last Tuesday served with a 6 months imprisonment sentence (without Parole). Both of them are amongst the group of about 9 refugees who had been held in prison custody since the last 3 months.
N.K will on wednesday (8. August 2018) defend himself against 4 Police witnesses for the unwarranted Police raiding at the Ellwangen Refugee center in Mai.
The process is involving 25 refugees who are being investigated for false charges of "Physical assault and Resisting Police arrest. N.K is one amongst about 9 Asylum seekers who had been remanded in prison custody since May.
Such act to criminalise refugees who dare to question Police act of harassment (racist control etc) is part of our daily life as refugees especially.
It is also important to note that the ongoing process is meant to deny the criminalised refugees their right to the asylum process and expel them from Germany as soon as possible.
Can you imagine how you would react in this situation !!!
Waking up by shock from unknown persons who had broken into you Room. Still in panic, you are further confronted with a scene of masked persons ordering you to go down with Touch-lights pointed at you.
What do you expect from someone who had earlier experienced a conflict or war situation otherwise the Desert and Mediterranean experiences.
We demand:
- Dropping of all the charges against these refugees!
- Investigation of the act of Police abuses!
- Stop the criminalisation of Refugees
Solidarity Greetings
Flüchtlinge für Flüchtlinge (Refugees4Refugees)
Selbstorganisierte Beratungsstelle von und für Gefluchtete
Böblingerstr. 105
70199 Stuttgart
Tel.: 015172207248