Why did Georgios Zantiotis have to die?
Rally on 7.11.2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Wuppertal main train station
Again a person had to die in Wuppertal due to the consequences of police action in custody.
On social media, his death was reported in Greek:
"At dawn on November 2, the death of 24-year-old Georgios Zantiotis was announced at a police station in Wuppertal (Germany), almost an hour and a half after he was taken from the nightclub: the police officers stepped on the asphalt."
The accompanying video shows him being pushed to the street and tied up by two police officers, while his sister begs the officers to let him go: "He's just a kid!"
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2 Νοεμβρίου ξημερώματα ανακοινώθηκε ο θάνατος του Γιώργου Ζαντιώτη 24 χρονών, σε αστυνομικό τμήμα του Wuppertal(Γερμανία), σχεδόν μιάμιση ώρα μετά την προσαγωγή του έξω από νυχτερινό κέντρο .Οι μπάτσοι τον πατούσαν στην άσφαλτο. pic.twitter.com/J6Ijtzc8dK
— Polidefkis (@Polidefkis_) November 6, 2021
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At the request of journalists, the prosecutor's office felt compelled to report on the case. Previously, there was no reason for Chief Public Prosecutor Baumert because it was a natural cause of death:
- Todesfall »nicht medienrelevant« | Die Staatsanwaltschaft Wuppertal hielt Tod in Polizeigewahrsam für nicht berichtenswert | Neues Deutschland 7.11.2021: https://www.nd-aktuell.de
- Festgenommener verstirbt in Polizeizelle | Artikel aus Wuppertal vom 7.11.2021: https://mailchi.mp
- 25-Jähriger in Polizeigewahrsam gestorben | Artikel vom 7.11.2021 aus Spiegel Online: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama...
- 25-Jähriger stirbt auf Polizeiwache | Artikel vom 7.11.2021 aus der taz: https://taz.de/Todesfall...
As in numerous cases of deaths by police, the victim killed by violence is criminalized. Senior prosecutor Wolf-Tilman Baumert: "We assume that therein [note KARAWANE: drugs] lies a reason for his aggressiveness and possibly for his death." In the case of Mohammad Selah, a refugee from Guinea in Remscheid, it was also alleged that drugs were involved. He was denied medical care because he was to be deported. The public prosecutor, who was from Wuppertal at the time, claimed that drugs were involved, although there was no evidence of this. His friends testified to this and the doctors suspected a tropical disease. Drugs are always mentioned when victims of police brutality have to be discredited and criminalized afterwards and the police are to be exonerated of their guilt.
We will take to the streets today because we are angry and we have to fear that the truth will be murdered again, as in the numerous other cases in NRW ud BRD: #AdelB, #AmedAhmad, #MichaleHaile, #DominiqueKouamadio, ... #OuryJalloh...
Just this week we have complete proof that Oury Jalloh was murdered and exiled in cell #5:
Internationale Pressekonferenz der Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh
Before the truth is executed once again, we take to the streets and expect a plausible and complete explanation.
At the same time, we manifest our determination to stand on the side of Georgios Zantiotis (Γιώργου Ζαντιώτη) family and friends and accompany them in these difficult days.
The plea and cries of Giórgu's sister throb within us, "He is a child!"
In solidarity we remain united
Your CARAVAN for the rights of refugees and migrants